What would postsecondary education look like if it were designed from the ground up today?
Imagine a world in which the traditional 4-year college degree has been supplanted by a new approach, ten times more effective and less than half the cost of college. Imagine if students entered the workforce with greater preparation, maturity, motivation, and relevant experience—and far less cost. Imagine if they could perform at a far higher level than employers currently expect, and could grow their income and careers rapidly. We’re building this future today.
Futures Forge’s mission is to create greater choice and student opportunity with a postsecondary education model that efficiently and effectively develops in students the attributes, skills, and technical knowledge that they need for the greatest success in their lives and careers. Science shows us that these attributes and skills drive high performance and career success. The components for a powerful alternative to the 4-year degree already exist, and research supports that a dramatically different education model will yield far better results in life, career, and entrepreneurship.
We are bringing together the best of these new components to launch students into high-performance careers in which they learn for their entire lives. We need your support to make this future possible for those who don’t already have the funding available to pay out of pocket. Due to the perceived risk of learning in a new model without traditional accreditation, it is likely only students from top-5% income families would be able to make the financial commitment without scholarship support.