
The Futures Forge Curriculum

The Futures Forge core curriculum is devoted to developing in students the attributes and skills they need to thrive in their lives and careers, as well as the tools and paths to develop them lifelong.

This curriculum is built entirely on the foundations of a century of academic research and deep engagement with industry. The skills and capabilities that successful entrepreneurs use most are the same that top employers struggle to find, and that futurists see as critical in the future economy. And they are not directly taught in most schooling experiences.

The Six Key Attributes

  1. Grit

  2. Personal Integrity

  3. Motivation

  4. Conscientiousness

  5. Adaptability

  6. Emotional Intelligence

The Eight Core Skills

  • Communication & Presentation

  • Critical Thinking

  • Execution

  • Innovation

  • Lifelong Learning

  • Problem Solving

  • Self-Management

  • Teamwork

Catalytic Learning

Students do not attend lectures at Futures Forge; we do not exist to transfer knowledge that students can learn themselves online. Instead, we develop and practice new concepts using a series of challenges that integrate concepts in hands-on project work. This cycle, called catalytic learning, is:

  1. A brief intro to the challenge and key attributes that will be useful

  2. Self-directed learning, with help and guidance from facilitators

  3. Small group exploration and sharing what was learned

  4. Plan for the challenge in teams

  5. Live exercise: take on the challenge

  6. Integration through group presentations, reflection, and feedback

Each challenge or project serves as a focus for learning and an opportunity to integrate and exercise the key attributes and skills. Some of the challenges include:

  1. Competitive building projects

  2. Simulations of business or work situations

  3. Design projects that explore product development and entrepreneurship

  4. Planning real events

  5. And more

Module Structure

Within each of our Courses, we run a series of Modules: some help students learn a specific topic, others focus on introducing or developing one or a few key skills. All Modules use our learning approach and integrate reinforcing skills throughout the entire Course. Topics of knowledge taught within modules vary from self-discovery and psychology to technical skills, to the use of tools that students will use in their future. Some examples:

Self discovery: Students will learn about their and other personality types, differentiate conscious and subconscious thinking and behaviours, and develop self-awareness of their reactions and emotions.

Technical skills: Students will learn about rapid knowledge acquisition, technical problem-solving, presentation and communication skills, and job-specific skills that they choose.

Tools: Students will learn how to use generative AI, “fierce conversation” and feedback frameworks, and college course load hacking.

Frequently (daily in short Courses, weekly in the FLC) we embark on one or more Challenges. Each Challenge brings students into groups of anywhere between three and ten, to complete a certain complex task.

Each challenge is an opportunity to practice leadership, teamwork, feedback, technical skills, and rapid knowledge acquisition skills. The Challenge is an opportunity to integrate and exercise new skills, and to stretch beyond the horizon of each student’s comfort, and relies on experimentation and feedback to drive rapid learning.